Become Aware of Your Blind Spots and the Harm They Cause
We all have blindspots. It’s actually easier to spot the weaknesses in others than it is to spot them in yourself. We’re good at viewing ourselves through a very rose-colored lens.
The truth is, most of us have little understanding of how we appear to the world. We don’t fully understand how people view us and the things we do. It’s obvious to everyone else. But we are all lacking in self-awareness.
There are many examples of blindspots:
● You’re late consistently, and have little appreciation for the impact it has on others
● You date the same type of people over and over and wonder why your relationships fail
● You value being right over finding a solution when faced with a disagreement
The problem with blindspots is that you don’t even know they exist. It’s hard to correct a challenge you don’t even know you have. It’s also hard to utilize a strength you’re not aware of.
Your blindspots are causing more harm than you think. Here are some ways to identify them.
Ask others for feedback. If you can find someone thoughtful that knows you well, they can be a goldmine of information about yourself. The only challenge is finding someone that cares about you that’s also willing to be honest with you. This can be a challenging conversation for someone to have with you.
○ Ask your friends and family how you can improve your approach to life. Ask them what they think you fail to see or to understand about yourself.
Look at your strengths. All strengths come with weaknesses. Those that take bold action typically fail to plan sufficiently. Those that love to plan and to gather information often fail to take sufficient action.
○ Consider all of your strengths and the associated weaknesses that are packaged with those strengths. Are you able to see any of those weaknesses in yourself?
Consider your weaknesses. Blind spots aren’t always negative. You might be blind to a great strength you have. All of your weaknesses also have a positive component. For example, you might be terrible in social situations that include large crowds of people. However, that likely means you’re pretty good with people one on one. Or, you might be great at spending time alone.
○ Your weaknesses are hiding some of your greatest strengths. Take a long, hard look at your weaknesses for these positive blindspots.
Examine each area of your life. Consider your finances, relationships, social life, career, health, and any other part of your life you think is relevant. What are the blindspots you’re missing? Look at those parts of your life that you find dissatisfying. If you’re failing and you don’t know why, you have a blindspot.
Test yourself. There are lots of psychological assessments you can take online. While most of these are rather primitive, there are some good ones out there. These often list your tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses. These can help you to identify your blindspots.
Get professional help. A good therapist has seen it all. They will be able to identify your blindspots very quickly. If you have the funds to spare, this might be the most effective option of all.
It’s not a question of whether or not you have blindspots. The question is, what are your blindspots? They exist, but are you able to identify them? Your blindspots are sabotaging your results in life. Find your blindspots and address them. You’ll find that many of your frustrations will fade away.